Monday, January 28, 2013

My Top 2009' Movies #7

  So now we have come to the year "2009" of my list of my favorite movies of that year. There are few surprise's you will see or think, Like (why did he pick that movie or that was the worst movie of that year). Yes I do have "Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen" on my list!! "Aliens In The Attic" is also on the list and most people would think (does that movie even exist?) Most of you are still wondering way did he do "Transformers". Well I got the answer for It I don't think it was the worst movie that year. There are Two movies that come to mind "Year One" and "Land Of The Lost". I rest my case, now if you are fans of those movies than so be it. But here are my top movies for "2009", hope you enjoy it.

 My Favorite Top 20 Movies For "2009"
1. Avatar
2. Public Enemies 
3. Angels And Demons
4. Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince
5. Star Trek
6. The Hurt Locker
7. Taken
8. Julie And Julia
9. Sherlock Holmes
10. The Blind Side
11. The Lovely Bones
12. Fast And Furious 
13. Up
14. Nine
15. G.I. Joe: Rise Of Cobra
16. X-Men: Origin's Wolverine
17. Terminator Salvation 
18. Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen
19. Aliens In The Attic
20. Race To Witch Mountain                  

Movies That Have Dates Now!!

"Ridley Scott's" next movie called "The Counselor" said to be about a lawyer gets in over his head in a dangerous drug trade, set for "November 15, 2013".

"Grudge Match" about to old boxers to fight one last time in the ring against one another. But the stars in it will be "Sylvester Stallone" and "Robert de Niro" in it. So it will be like "Rocky" against "Jake LaMotta" or if you don't know who that is its the boxer in "Raging Bull".  But it is a brand new movie all on its own. Set also for "Nov. 15, 2013"

The last movie set for an date is "Ghosts" not much to tell you about this one because it's coming out in "Jan. 10, 2014". Enough said its just one of those "January" release's for the past couple of years they have had lots of scary movies in that month. The one for this years it just came out last week "Mama". Last years was "The Devil Inside" and the year before that was "The Rite". I could keep going but you get the picture, but that does not mean I'm not excited for it.  


Movies Being Planed
"Ron Howard" like to make "Neil Gaiman's" book of "The Graveyard" Into a film.

"Chole Moretz" eyes a role in a movie called "If I Stay". About how she has to pick or choose the two most precious things in life her boyfriend or doing art she loves to do. But that all stops when she is in a freak car accident with her family.


It was announced last year they are planning a "remake" of "The Leprechaun" series. New plans say it will take a darker approach for the new series. They also said "Warwick Davis" could make a cameo in the new film.

  "Nic Mathieu" is set to direct the movie take on "Robotech" from the "Anime" series.


Also announced last year is "Hollywood" is doing a modern day take on "Oliver Twist" it will be called "Olivia Twisted" (haha get it) .Well  anyway "Hollywood" has being doing these movies every once in a while of classics stories take a look below.

This is just listening a few of them I'll make bigger list sometime, because I like when they do these kind of movies. 

                       Nationwide Movies For This Week 
                    So here are the movies you can looking forward to for this Friday!!"Feb. 1, 2013".   


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