Monday, June 17, 2013

My Review of Star Trek Into Darkness

    Star Trek Into Darkness: Aww yes Star Trek this is or was my first most anticipated movie for the whole summer and when I think about it, it might not be my favorite one for the summer. I was a little disappointed in the movie because I thought the bad guy would be a whole new bad guy not like from the a original movies. I heard people talking and I was hoping for somebody new but it was still a mystery and I still loved it.
     So this is was I would like to say I think this is The Dark Knight for this summer because it is the second movie in the series and not always but this in the second movie usually gets darker. If you take a look back that a few in the past here are the one's the usually come to my mind (The Empire Strikes Back, Back To The Future Part II, Home Alone 2 and Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom ect.) So Khan is like the joker to he makes everybody live in fear in a way. I also expecting to be a really big army not just one man army against the good guys but in the end I still liked how it came out.
    Yes I admit I am sort of a Trekkie fan but only of the movies. In my Star Trek collection I got the whole "20 disc" set of all the movies but just not a big fan of the TV series of them. The second picture is the movie set that I have. But what I like about this new movie is that it keeps reflecting back to the original movies. So like the old movies are like the older adventures and they are still in the early stages of there adventures, even though they are kind of following the outline of the earlier movies. But I do like where the story is heading I think it does help just a little bit to see the earlier movies. Plus it's nice to see how Dr. Carol Marcus and James T. Kirk first meet and then fall in love and so on and so forth. So theses new movies will tell the new story but was in the old story that will be in the new story will be from the story. Now that makes sense to me I don't know about you though. Another thing I liked about the movie is a little more things happen on planet earth then from the past movies so that was fun. So in the end I still loved the movie, but still surprised at the out come of it. So in the end I give this movie a (******** Supreme)             

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