Thursday, September 5, 2013

My Review Of Iron Man 3

    Iron Man 3: Well to me I think it's sad to say that I did liked Iron Man 3 more then I did  Star Trek Into Darkness because I was just looking forward to Star Trek just a little more. But it still did not beat my first summer movie of this year yet witch was Man Of Steel, by far my best summer movie! Well so like I always do I will of course back track and talk about the last two Iron Man movies too.
     Lets start with Iron Man 3 no lets start at the very beginning let's go back all the way to the year 2008. Well I saw the first Iron Man at Movies 5 and like always I went by myself, but I ever mind on doing it. It was the very first big Marvel movie that was separate from the other movies so far but they were teamed up with Paramount. So when the first on e came out in the series I thought right then and there it was the best superhero movie by far! Then moving forward to the year 2010, it had already had one whole year when me and my friend Travis started a midnight movie night hangout party's. So when it was time to see Iron Man 2 it was the biggest group we ever had of going to a midnight showing all in all we had 42 people go!! Now that it's been a few years now that the second one has come out, (I am like yeah it's alright it was big back then and was the thing too. But the bad guy in it well he just did not do very much and it was just like a rerun of the first movie allover again. 
    Okay now for the real review for Iron Man 3!!! For me it's the best one yet! What makes this movie just a little better then Star Trek is I had a lot more positive thing's to say then I did Star Trek. The movie had a very slow first half but I still did not care about that. Yes did also really did feel like this was a Christmas movie but of all the thing's going on you forget about the Christmas themed going on, just go back to the first two Die Hard films. You know it was Christmas time but then Christmas is the last thing on your mind when you seeing the movie "right".? Maybe they should of switched Iron Man 3 with Thor 2, then Iron Man would fit the Christmas themed a little better by the end of the year. haha. Then also with the first half it had a mystery feel with it so at the same time it felt like Robert Downey Jr. was playing Sherlock Holmes all over again but of course I did not mind about that. Everything was going wrong with Tony Stark and so it felt like it was going back to the very first movie like he has to start allover again. The only thing I was just A little disappointed about was that Ben Kingsley was not the real Mandarin because of how he looked in the movie that is what the real Mandarin looks like and he really did fit the part but no Hollywood had to go the other way. But the one thing in the film that really had heart is the relationship Tony Stark had with the little boy and of course that reminded me of Real Steel. 
    So if they do end it with this one I will of course will not mind at all because it wraps it all up very nicely.
For now I can't see anybody else doing this part except for Robert Downey Jr. and yes he really is the real Iron Man. Well below will be what I will give 1 & 2 as the rating's for the earlier Iron Man films. So in the end a give it a (*********Epic)       


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