Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Christmas Movie Preview

Holiday Movie Preview Showdown
November- December

November 1st

     Now I have to be honest for this holiday season I am not to ecited  for the movies year. Because last year there was James Bond and Les Miserable's. The year before that there was Sherlock Holmes and Mission Impossible 5 and of course I could go on and on. So now for this holiday season we will start off with Ender's Game now as for me I have never read the book and I don't think I will make it in time for  the  movie.

      Finally we kind of get a Thanksgiving movie, I say it does look good. It's just about to turkey's going back in time to the very first Thanksgiving to try to get them over of the menu. Hopefully this film wont feel to close to Chicken Run. I'm just saying...

November 8th

    Now ever thought my most anticipated movie has already have come out and has gone. It was only on a limited release the film was called Parkland. So I will say Thor: The Dark World will be the one I am wanting to come out the most. I also liked Thor more then Captain America. So when you see my review of Thor 2 you will also see my rating  for the first one to. Remember the  second one in the series will always a little darker then the first one. But man it still looks epic!!

      Based on the famous book of the same name. It's about a little girls who love's reading books and come across a wounded soldier during WWII and keeps him hidden from the Nazi's. 

November 22

       But of course be can't forget one of the biggest one of all for the holidays. Now when the first one came out I thought it was the best spring over that came out that year. I'm still working on getting through the second book right now I'm about halfway done with it. But time is running OUT!! I think this is just about equal to the second Thor movie that I I'm waiting for.

November 27th  

        But we almost always can't forget the classic Disney animated movie for the holiday season. Based on the Hans Christin Anderson short story The Snow Queen about a girl going on an adventure to find her sister, but that's just the binging!!

      Well It's the best they have for any musical coming out this year at least it's something right? Since there is no Les Miserables and the very sad Rock Of Ages from last year. It is based on a Off-Broadway Musical play. About a young boy going to see is grandparents for the very first time for the holidays. NOTE: this is a musical, there will be singing involved. If you don't like that kind of thing.

       It is based on the remake of the same name. about a guy who's been locked up for 20 years and then all of a sudden has been set free and he does not know why. So it's about him trying to find answer's of who put him there in the first place. 

December 13th

     The continuing adventures of Bilbo Baggin's, it's about the biggest one for the holidays!
Let the BIG EPIC adventure begin!!

      About the true story of Walt Disney trying to get the Arthur that wrote Marry Poppins book to getting the rights to it, about bringing it to the big screen. But she really did not want it to become a film in the first place. A little fun fact.    
December 25th

       I love the team up's that Martain Scorsese and Leonardo Dicaprio do together I have liked what they have done so far. This movie is based on a true story about Dicaprio working on Wall Street and looks like partying all the time and stealing money and  looks like he almost got away with it. To me it looks like another Great Gatsby  all over again but this time it's true. Plus I don't care if it looks the same anyway.

       Believe it or not this movie is a remake the original film came out in 1941!! It is based on a famous Japanese story and maybe legend. About a group of samurai warriors to gain revenge for the death of their leader. It's nice to see Keanu Reeves get back in the swing of things similar to The Matrix. Plus we have not seem him in a long time for films lately.



  The last movie on my list is The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty. For the old one I think I've seen bites and
pieces of the movie and I did liked of what I saw. It's about a guy that lives in two different lives  his make believe and then his normal like. Plus the new one is rated PG I was amazed by it. Plus how can you not like Danny Kaye! So I hope you have fun this year for the Holiday Season. This will be a new tradition I will star doing for the new year. But it will be once a month at a time until the big summer movies come out or of course when it's the big Holiday Season.

Happy Holiday's!  

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