Wednesday, October 29, 2014

My Holiday Movie Preview

My Holiday Special Themed Movie Showdown!!

November 7th

Sorry little kiddies no big musical animated movie like the big one we had last year, the thing is I can't remember what the name of it was....oh, well moving on now. Let's see how Disney does with an animated film from Marvel. I hope it doe good!!

This is about the biggest one I'm excited for for the end of this year. If you liked Gravity then no need to fear, this is right up your alley!! Christopher Nolan can do no wrong.

I love movie like this!! I just can't get enough of them! It's like this years A Beautiful Mind I hope it does just as good. An Inspiring Film

November 14th

 What are we to do...what are we to do. Sad to say I still you this day have not even seen the first one all the way through. But I'll tell you this that's about to change right now. You got to love it.

November 21st.

Probably about one of the biggest for the end of this year. I'm almost done with the book for the very first time. What more can I say, let's just see it NOW PLEASE!!

Whenever Benedict Cumberbatch is in a film his roll is always so good even if the film is not so hot.
At first I was like man he's everywhere so when I looked him up he has always been around for awhile. He's just been getting bigger when time goes on, heck he's already been in the best picture of last year! Let's see if he can do it again...we shall see.

November 26th

This film was suppose to come out next spring but the Dreamwork's Animated Company is still in trouble of trying to make there money back. That's why Mr. Peabody And Sherman just barely can out on dvd just in time for the holidays. But I'm sure this will be a very big hit for the company.

December 4th

I know...I know it's for TV heaven forbid for my movie blog to even have this on the page.
But still I think it counts for the holiday season. Keeping the tradition alive for the 2nd time after the big hit for last years The Sound of Music LIVE!! Just for TV of course on NBC.  

December 12th

The last big epic film from the Bible. Ridley Scott said that this is the most epic film he as done to date, even after the epic Gladiator man now that's saying alot. But will it just be as epic...huh? Still I'm exited!

December 17th

 The Biggest film for the end of this holiday season!! It has all has come down to this!! The end of the end!

December 19th

  Well sad to say but we are coming to the end of this years musical films and oh man what a journey it has been. I f you have been falling my blog then you know what I mean. Just a little fun fact Willow Smith was to be the main lead in the film but she just grew up too fast. Sad day.

It would not be a movie holiday season without a Night Of The Museum film. I have been waiting a long time for this one, man where as the time gone. But will this be the last one in the series? We will see....

December 25th

  This is the best picture I found for now. I like to say this one is like the War Horse for this year at least for the journey anyway. Just looks like a very moving film for Christmas Day!!

Yes I wanted to save this one for last. Hollywood is still keeping the tradition a live for a musical to come out on Christmas Day. Plus this musical has been in the works for a very long time. It's just nice to see it finally being made. It could make a big wave again for musicals! Let's just hope so. 

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