Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Cody's 2015 Summer Guid For Films

My 2015 Summer Film Guide!

It's nice to be back! Trying to be better day by day. Well we counted down the years then the days, then it was just the months, then it was just the days but now the time as come for one of the biggest summers that we will see for films until next summer but we don't have to worry about that now...

May 1st

Get ready for the summers biggest film of the year if you thought "Furious 7" was big oh just you wait for this one it's already doing really good over seas. But hey you don't hav to wait long it come out by the end of the Week!! 

 May 8th

Now to me this film just looks so much fun and the best part of it is it's not "R" Witch that hardly happens any more with these king of films. Plus I really like Witherspoon!

May 15th 

This is probably the biggest film I'm really exited for and it's also coming out on my Birthday weekend. Now to get something straight of people's birthday's even thought if films don't come out on the day of you b-day you can always say it coming out on my B-day weekend. Just a thought. A the posters are good for this film that's why there are 4 of them.

May 15th

So when all the guys are going to "Mad Max" all the chicks will running to this film which is not a bad thing at all!! I loved the first film. But still I'm be going to Mad Max first sorry Ladies!
3rd one is already in the works!

May 22ed

It's the big Disney summer film for this year. I just heard that they would like to make a series from the film, let's just hope Disney can pull it off this time. Just to name a few that did not turn out that way. Prince of Persia, John Carter and The Lone Ranger. But I heard from alot of people that still liked those films anyway.

May 22ed

Here is the one of biggest remakes for the film it took a long time for it to get made but it's here now and that's all the matters right. Just can't wait to see that Clown!

May 29th

     When 2012 was out I heard about this film and got really exited about, because I love disaster films and after this one we kind of have one next year. But let's see how this one does and see what the future brings for disaster films.

June 3rd

You know the scary films have been doing really good the past couple of years if it's your thing if you want to get scared once in a while. But this one really does look good.

June 12th

Another films that was in the works forever but has made it for the big year. When this film hit me when I read the words "The Park Is Open" Man gives me chills every time.

June 19th

Pixar is BACK!!! In full bloom not just one film but another film buy the end of the year, plus I would not doubt that this film could be runner up for best animated film.

July 1st

When I heard a new Terminator Film was in the mix for 2015 I was like heck YA!! Just keeps make this summer even better. Plus it has another one of my favorite actress in it most famous for GoT.

July 10th

Come on now who does not like the Minions right?

July 17th

Most people are just curious about this film but we do know this film is going to be a lot of fun anyway.

July 24th

Yes Believe it or not I'm very excited about this film. It's from the same guy the brought us "The Fault In Our Stars." It also has one of my new rising stars Cara Delevingne and just a little fun fact she has at least 6 films coming out in this year alone!! She will also star in next years big film Suicide Squad. 

 Probably the biggest film for the big gamer fans.

July 31st

 One of my favorites films series just so glad that at least their coming out faster now then back then. But I love their tradition on always keep a new director form every new film.

August 7th

Sad to say not too exited about this one will see how if goes though.

August 14th

Hopefully this can be another great movie franchise from another great TV show from the director that brought us Sherlock Holmes.

August 28th 

Just another great scary movie coming up with Emma Watson to star!

 The only video game movie coming out this year. I just saw the first one not to long again and liked it. It was supposed to be Paul Walker to star as Hitman in the main role sad he would have been great in the lead role! --RIP Paul Walker you really have made this year one to remember!!

P.S.: Now there are still a few in August I will talk about for my fall film lineup but there was now posters for them yet so all in good time I hope you enjoys and always hav a great summer!!!

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