Wednesday, May 8, 2013

My Review of Oz: The Great And Powerful

  Yes I have finally seen my first movie of the year and it's already May man I'm doing so good at keeping up with the movies. haha Well I can hope you guess what movie I went and saw it was "Oz The Great And Powerful". This was actually the very first movie I was so excited for, for the first part of this year. Now the book of  "The Wizard Of Oz" is my favorite classic book but also my favorite book period.
   Now I thought this new movie of this classic story did not take away any memories of the classic "1939" version but gained some new ones. James Franco was not the first choice for the part for the wizard, at first they had Robert Downey Jr. and also Johnny Depp for the part. I did like how James Franco did but I wish it could have been Robert Downey Jr. instead. When the movie was over I'm like no keep going its just staring to get good now not the movie was not good now.
   For movies now you are starting to slowly is more prequels staring before the original story, but I like how they do that. In the movies you could see small reverse's from the older film version hopefully you spotted them, specially at the end of the film, I just like how they do that. Disney has already have a sequel in the works that I have told you from one of my earlier blogs, but there has been some newer new that the next movie will not have the classic story will all know of Dorothy. Now why is this, because WB/MGM has the rights to the 1939 version film and they can't take any of that particular part of the story. So now we know the that is the only company that could do that story over again of course which they are planing on doing, they would shoot from the script to the 1939 version. Now I don't know if the plans are still in the work's because you know how company's like competition, most of all we just want to have the famous "Wicked" musical to be a movie already that all I'm asking!! there a few more movies in the works to but these were the one coming to reality just a little more. So in the end I give this movie (******* Incredible)                     

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