Wednesday, March 5, 2014

February Movie Preview

Movies To Be Looking Forward To For February!

February 7

Well we can say that finally the new year is looking good for Movie! So far this film is on a roll, all I can say is move over Frozen!

 It is what it is, that's it.

February 12 

 Well the Friday for Valentine's Day 3 remakes came out the same day now that's something you don't see every day. But this one's getting good reviews so that's a plus. I'm looking forward on seeing this one.

February 21

It's the next Titanic...well not quite but maybe not even that. So I still hope this movie does good better then the Hercules movie that came out last Month and if you did not know this is the same director that has done the Resident Evil films. This film just as that same kind of story line like Titanic that's all.

February 28

Yes! it's the next big thriller movie in the sky's I love movies like this. Back in 2005 we had Flightplan and Red Eye so this will go great for my collection. Plus how could you not like Lian Neeson.  It's Taken only this time it's in the sky's!

The first of 3 biblical films for this year. I really love these kind of films and I'm glad that they are starting to return to the big screen. Plus there are two more yet to come! So if they all do good start to see a lot more of these films in the coming yeas.

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